Speech of the Opening Ceremony of Keren High School Reunion
Speech Delivered by the Chairman of the Preparatory Committee
July 2, 2010
Thank you all for coming to this historic Second Keren High School Reunion. Thank you honorable guests! Let’s give them a round of applause. Thank you spouses and children for sharing this great day with us; we wouldn’t have done it without you and your support. Please help me in giving them a round of applause. Special thanks go to our youth who volunteered to be part of all the discussion of this reunion. Thank you friends for coming here to share our joy. Keren High School alumni, this is the day you were all waiting for. It is your day and I am confident that you will have the best day of your lives!!
Many of us live in USA and Canda, 2 countries which are celebrating Independence Day as we speak. Eritrea observed its Independence Day not long ago. So, I would like to say "Happy Independence Day to all of us."

Keren High School Re-union Standing Committee. Photo was taken in Second Keren High school Re-Union at Hilton Hotel Alexandria, VA July 2010. Standing in front from left to right:- Yohannes Ferdinando Drar, Kibra Tewolde, Habtemicael Woldesus, Abraha Zerai, Mohamed Ali, Kibra Gebre, Bahlbi Tekle, Dr. Woldemariam Gebresellassie. Behind from left to right:- Woldesellasie Omer,Zeneb Warreh,Yassin Ibrahim, Dr. Fikak Habtes, Michael Embaye, Dahab Kiflom, Yemane Desta, Hiyabu Gebresselase, Hassen Mender, Tesfaghaber Mesghina and Hassen Ferej is behind not seen well.
Allow me to thank the organizing committee who met via teleconferencing at least once a month in the duration of 2 years. They are Yemane Desta, Habtinkiel Woldesus, Hiyab Gebreslassie, Hassen Mender, Mohamed Ali, Dehab Kiflom, Bahlibi Teckle, Hassen Fereg, Tesfagabir Misgina, Zenab Warh, Michael Embaye, Yohannes Drar, Dr. Ogbay Tekie, Dr. Fickak Hibtase, Kibra Ikit, Kibra Tewolde, Dr. Woldemariam Gebreslassie, Woldeslassie Tesfai, Yassin Ibrahim, and last by least Abraha Zerai. They have put many hours into organizing this reunion. They picked the date and the place of the reunion. They worked on the logistics that would make the reunion success. We are all here thanks to their well-thought plan. So, please join me in giving them a round of applause for their dedication and hard work. A special thanks goes to our Washington Committee members who went far and beyond and took the responsibility to host a reunion that will stay in our memories for years.
Do you want to know why I came here? I am here at this reunion to entertain myself and have fun. If you know our school icons, you are my old friend and I came to see you. Do you know Aboy Yonatan and his two sons? Do you remember Aboy Mesmer? Of course if you did attend Keren High School in late 60th and 70th, you should know aboy Nuru. We are lucky to have his son amongst us. Thank you Mohamed Birhane for helping us remember the old good days. There were many important people in our Keren High School community that made our childhood fun and memorable. I am here to talk about all those great days.
Goal of the reunion: Why do we need a reunion? What is the goal of it? What would we accomplish at the reunion? These are some of the question asked. As stated in our website, “Sweetkeren.net”, our mission and vision says that the Keren Secondary School re-union mission is to strive in bringing together old friends. We envision that we would create, develop and encourage within all Keren High School attendees a legacy of relationship and belonging. Our statement clearly defines that our reunion is not organized by any political, religious or ethnic organization. It does not engage in any ideological and political discourse.
We don’t serve any organization, big or small in this reunion. We are not here to promote, propel, or propagate any political agenda. We don’t have any political motive. Our organization is free of all political, religious, or regional tendencies. We are looking for sheer brotherhood, and love of each other that would bond us together and cherish the days we had to go to school as the bullets were whizzing by our heads.
“Then what is your agenda?” you might ask. “We have no agenda,” is our response. Our mission is to get together, talk about the old good days, laugh about our childhood and go home. There is an old cliché that says, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” We are not buying or selling apples at this reunion, but we will get a lot of laughter that would energize our souls, clear our minds, and strengthen our spirits. We are coming to entertain ourselves and have good time. We are congregating for the therapy that would keep the doctor away as a result of our good health.
Before I end my speech I want to recognize one alumnus who came all the way from Germany. His beloved daughter paid for his air-ticket, hotel, and all other expense as his 60th birthday gift. I heard his inspiring story, and I found it worth mentioning.
I wish success to this reunion as success will get us an everlasting happiness, and rich memories. Enjoy yourselves, and have a great Keren high School Reunion!!!
Chairman of the Preparatory Committee