Old Memories
Keren High School Students
Outlook Magazine
Is the Teacher or the Soldier Helpful for the Nation”
By: 10th grade students-Kifle Weldesilasie (10C)
As we all know it is necessary for a student to express his ideas to an audience through debates or lectures. Having this in mind Ato Tesfaldet, the Amharic teacher held a very interesting debate. The debate was on. “Is the teacher or the soldier helpful for the country.”
The debate began at 4:30 on Saturday, Tekemt 24. It was opened by a short speech by the Director on debates in our school. Then Ato Tesfaldet also spoke for a while about the uses of debates. Then he began the debates.
The speakers were:
The teachers are helpful:
1. Mensura Baho 10A
2. Mellake Tekle10B
3. Kifle Weldesilasie10C
The soldiers are helpful:
1. Zeremariam Keleta 10B
2. Dican Ogbledet10B
3. Tesfamicael Fessahaie10C
The debate began by the side saying teachers are helpful (Mensura), followed by the opposite side (Zeremariam). Mellake debated against Dican and finally Kifle against Tesfamicael. They all were given five minutes each. The judges for the debate were Ato Mahmud, Ato Laine and Ato Omer Omran. Ato Tesfaldet was the sponsor.
The debate was a very interesting one and it enchanted all the students. The debate ended with the success of the side saying that the soldiers were helpful with a score of 325 points, wheras the other side scored 309 points.
I admire Zeremarian for his ability to speak with correct grammar giving examples and proverbs. I am sure that it was because of his ability and courage that his side was able to win the debate.
I thank Ato Tesfaldet for preparing such a debate, and the speakers for the debate. I hope that other students in the other grades will follow the example of 10th grade and that our school will have bold and courageous debaters.